Sunday 7 August 2011

me ! saya ! aku !

please follow mine and i'll follow yours back . your help is needed . u just need to click " follow " , it's not that hard . i'm sorry if this blog is not to nice . yours is more nicer than me . update already . if you're too " rajin " , you can read mines . everything in this blog you can read lha because this blog is public lha not private so don't be so dumb . i hate copydog , fakers , and many more . don't like me ? aku tak heran lha ! (:

Fairuza ♥

hee ~ kakak angkat baru aku ! selama niy dia merajuk nan aku , marah aku , maki aku tandanya sayang . haha . sebelom niy , aku pujuk nanti dia buat lha tak heran dia tuerh . kalau tak layan dia , nanti dia kata lha kita niy sombong bagai lha . haha . sekarang , semua dah tunggang terbalek , cakap punya lha baek . tak marah , tak maki dah . haha . sayang hang ketad -2 ! ;P

hee ~ pergi melawat geng PENDEKK . haha . melepak tak tentu hala . kata nak buat kerja sekolah but " melilau " sana sini . with IntanPendekk and his younger brother , Shaziman . (:

first -2 sampai , " aww , malunya " then dah biasa takde lha nak malu sangad sebab mama dia suruh buat macam rumah sendiri . haha . bawak keluar kerja sekolah , conteng -2 japp then masokkan balek . bawak Ijul lepak tepi rumah dekat nan tangga . haha . gossip sikit nan intan and adek kalott dia tuerh maen sebelah tuerh . sambil - sambilan , mesej nan kawan baekk padahal dia ade dkat tingkat bawah tuerh jee . haha . dia segan nak datang , dia kan lelaki mana lha nak datang dekat nan dua anak dara niy kann . haha . nak balek jugak lha , baru dia nak datang . ap lha .lepak takde lha sampai 10 minit , abah datang amek . walaupun sekejapp , buang habes perasan rindoo dkat dia . hee ~ kawan jee kot , i just said kot . haha . ;P

love this kid hell yeahh . his name is Mohd Nor Shafizul . usually i call him ijul . everytime i looks at ijul , he reminds me at you . when i carries him , i'll always thought you were beside me and being the father of this kid . haha . and i just wanna say " how happy we are " . (:

                                                                  huuhh ? haha .

                                                                               smile (:

                                                                     aww ;P

loving someone is not wrong but i don't know whether i love you or him . this is what we call confuse . haha . he is more perfect than you but i know , he can't make everything perfect to me like you did to me . urgh . my best friends doesn't like you , so i can't make the decision . to me , friends is more important . confuse ! confuse ! confuse ! hate this part ! yeay ! i know what to do ! i don't know which one to choose so i need to let them go so no one needs to hate each other and fights to get me . yeay ! i'm so clever about " cinta -2 " niy . haha .